
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

Type Information
HS Code 23061000 (2306.10.00)
Product description Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, of cotton seeds

Goods with HS code 230610000 are animal feed made from flour, meal and pellets of oilseeds and oleaginous fruits. These goods are commonly used in the livestock industry for the production of milk, meat and eggs.
Bound? 0.56 cents/kg
Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit kilograms (KG)
MFN duty rate 0.56 cents/kg
Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs Free (A+,AU,BH,CA,CL,D,E,IL,J,JO,MA,MX,OM,P,PE,SG)


Free :
Only imports from least-developed beneficiary developing countries eligible for GSP under that subheading (duty-free treatment)

Australia Special Rate

Bahrain Special Rate

NAFTA for Canada (duty-free treatment)

Chile Special Rate

Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) (duty-free treatment)

Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI)

Israel Special Rate (duty-free treatment)

Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA)

Jordan Special Rate

Morocco Special Rate

NAFTA for Mexico

Oman Special Rate

Dominican Republic-Central American Special Rate (DR-CAFTA)

Peru Special Rate

Singapore Special Rate

Importing US states
Exporting US states
Code in major importing and exporting languages
  • الكسب والمخلفات الصلبة الأخرى، الناتجة عن استخراج الدهون النباتية أو الزيوت، وبذور القطن
  • Ölkuchen und andere feste Rückstände aus der Gewinnung von pflanzlichen Fetten und Ölen, aus Baumwollsamen
  • Tortas y demás residuos sólidos de la extracción de grasas o aceites vegetales, de semillas de algodón
  • Tourteaux et autres résidus solides, résultant de l`extraction de graisses ou huiles végétales, des graines de coton
  • खली और अन्य ठोस अवशेष, कपास के बीज का, वनस्पति वसा या तेल की निकासी से उत्पन्न
  • 油かすや他の固体残留物は、綿の種子の、植物油脂の抽出から生じました
  • 간장 케이크 및 기타 고체 잔류 물은, 면화 씨앗, 식물성 지방이나 오일 추출의 결과
  • Bagaço e outros resíduos sólidos, resultante da extracção de gorduras ou óleos vegetais, de sementes de algodão
  • Жмых и другие твердые отходы, получаемые при извлечении растительных жиров или масел, из семян хлопчатника
  • 油渣和其他固体残渣,从植物脂肪或油的提取所得棉花种子,
More on HS code 23061000
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