
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 02073200: Ducks, Geese, or Guineas, Not Cut in Pieces, Fresh or Chilled

The HS Code 02073200 refers to the classification of ducks, geese, or guineas that are not cut into pieces, and are fresh or chilled. This code is used for international trade purposes to identify and categorize specific goods. Understanding the HS code is essential for importers, exporters, and customs officials to ensure smooth and efficient international trade.

Product Description

The product covered under HS Code 02073200 includes whole ducks, geese, or guineas that have not been cut into pieces. These products are fresh or chilled, indicating that they have not undergone any preservation methods such as freezing. Fresh or chilled poultry is highly sought after for its quality and taste, especially in the culinary industry.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for HS Code 02073200 is 8.8 cents per kilogram. This rate is applicable every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market. It ensures that all trading partners receive the same treatment for goods or services in terms of duty rates. The bound / MFN duty rate helps maintain fair trade practices and equal opportunities for all countries involved.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 02073200 is kilograms (KG). Kilograms are a standard unit of measurement used to quantify the weight of the imported or exported goods. This unit is universally recognized and allows for accurate tracking and calculation of the quantity of ducks, geese, or guineas being traded.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

HS Code 02073200 is eligible for various special tariff preference programs, which provide specific benefits and exemptions for certain countries. These programs aim to promote economic development, support least-developed countries, and foster trade relationships. Some of the special tariff preference programs applicable to HS Code 02073200 are:

These special tariff preference programs aim to reduce trade barriers and promote economic cooperation between the United States and its trading partners.

Importing US States

The HS Code 02073200 is imported into the following US states:

Exporting US States

The HS Code 02073200 is exported from the following US states:

Understanding the HS Code 02073200 and its associated information allows importers, exporters, and customs officials to facilitate trade, determine duty rates, and ensure compliance with international trade regulations. It is crucial to stay updated on any changes or amendments to the HS code and associated tariff preference programs to maximize trade opportunities and benefits.

More on HS code 02073200
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