
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 04061084: Fresh Cheese and Substitutes for Cheese

Fresh cheese and substitutes for cheese, containing cow's milk, with a content of less than or equal to 0.5% by weight of butterfat, are classified under HS code 04061084. This HS code is further described in Additional US Note 16 to Chapter 4, and it is not included in General Note 15.

When importing or exporting products, it is important to understand the specific HS code that applies to your goods. HS codes are standardized classification codes used by customs authorities worldwide to identify and categorize products for customs purposes. They facilitate international trade by ensuring consistent and accurate classification of goods.

The bound duty rate for products classified under HS code 04061084 is 10%. The bound duty rate represents the maximum tariff rate that a country can impose on imports of a specific product. However, countries may apply a lower duty rate, known as the Most Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate, which is applied to imports from all trading partners.

The quantity unit for products classified under HS code 04061084 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is used to determine the weight of the imported or exported goods.

Special tariff preference programs can provide certain benefits and exemptions for imports of products classified under HS code 04061084. The following countries and programs offer special tariff rates or duty-free treatment:

These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic development between countries by reducing or eliminating import duties for eligible products.

When it comes to the importation and exportation of products classified under HS code 04061084, it is important to consider the specific regulations and requirements of the importing and exporting US states. While the provided data only mentions Idaho as the exporting state, it is essential to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations of all involved states to facilitate smooth trade operations.

More on HS code 04061084
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