
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 04062043: Edam and Gouda Cheese, Grated or Powdered

Edam and Gouda cheese, grated or powdered, fall under the HS code 04062043. This specific HS code is used to classify these types of cheese for international trade purposes. The product description states that the cheese is subject to general note 15 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). General note 15 refers to the concept of most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rates. MFN duty rates ensure that when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. In the case of HS code 04062043, the bound or MFN duty rate is 15%. The quantity unit for this HS code is kilograms (KG), which is the standard measurement for trade involving cheese. There are also special tariff preference programs applicable to imports of Edam and Gouda cheese under HS code 04062043. These programs provide certain countries with preferential treatment in terms of duty rates. The following countries are eligible for free or special rate treatment when importing cheese under this HS code: These tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between the United States and these countries by reducing or eliminating import duties on Edam and Gouda cheese. When it comes to importing Edam and Gouda cheese under HS code 04062043, the specific states in the United States that are involved in the import process may vary. Similarly, the exporting states may also vary depending on the origin of the cheese. It is important for importers and exporters to be aware of the specific states involved to ensure compliance with regulations and to facilitate the smooth movement of goods. HS code 04062043 classifies Edam and Gouda cheese, grated or powdered, for international trade purposes. It is subject to a bound or MFN duty rate of 15%. Various special tariff preference programs are available for imports from specific countries, providing either duty-free treatment or special rates. Understanding the HS code and the associated regulations is crucial for importers and exporters involved in the trade of Edam and Gouda cheese.

More on HS code 04062043
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