Groats and meal of cereals other than wheat, oats, corn (maize) or rice fall under the HS Code 11031990. This code is used to classify and categorize these specific products for trade and import/export purposes. Understanding the HS Code system is important for businesses and governments to track and monitor international trade of goods.
The product description clearly states that the HS Code 11031990 covers groats and meal of cereals excluding wheat, oats, corn (maize), or rice. Groats and meal refer to grains that have been hulled and crushed or ground into a coarse or fine powder. This can include various types of cereals such as barley, rye, millet, and more.
When it comes to trade, the bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 11031990 is 9%. The MFN principle ensures that when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This means that the duty rate remains consistent regardless of the country of origin or destination.
The quantity unit for HS Code 11031990 is kilograms (KG). This unit is used to measure the weight of the groats and meal being traded or imported/exported.
There are also special tariff preference programs that apply to imports under HS Code 11031990. These programs provide certain countries with specific benefits or exemptions from duty rates. For example:
It's important for businesses to be aware of these special tariff preference programs, as they can significantly impact the cost and competitiveness of imports under HS Code 11031990.
While the data provided does not mention specific importing or exporting US states, it is worth noting that the trade of groats and meal of cereals can occur between various states within the United States. Arkansas, for example, may import or export these products to and from other states, depending on the demand and supply within the domestic market.
HS Code 11031990 covers groats and meal of cereals other than wheat, oats, corn (maize), or rice. It is important for businesses and governments to understand this code and its implications for international trade. The special tariff preference programs and the bound duty rate of 9% add further complexity to the trade of these products. By being aware of these details, businesses can navigate the import/export process more efficiently and take advantage of any available benefits or exemptions.