
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 15179010: Edible Artificial Mixtures with Soybean Oil

HS Code 15179010 refers to edible artificial mixtures of products provided for in headings 1501 to 1515, containing 5% or more by weight of soybean oil or fraction thereof. This code is used for the classification and identification of specific products in international trade. Understanding the details and implications of this HS code is essential for importers, exporters, and government authorities involved in trade regulation.

When importing or exporting goods under HS Code 15179010, it is important to consider the applicable duty rates and any special tariff preference programs that may be available. The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for this HS code is 18%. This means that every country must apply the same duty rate when lowering trade barriers or opening up a market for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.

The quantity unit for HS Code 15179010 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is used to determine the weight of the products being imported or exported under this HS code.

There are several special tariff preference programs that apply to HS Code 15179010. These programs provide either duty-free treatment or reduced duty rates for specific countries. The countries included in these programs and their respective duty rates are as follows:

These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by providing preferential treatment for certain goods. Importers and exporters should take advantage of these programs to minimize costs and enhance competitiveness.

When it comes to importing HS Code 15179010 into the United States, the exporting US states may vary. However, one notable example is South Carolina. South Carolina is known for its strong manufacturing and export industries, making it a potential source or destination for products classified under this HS code.

HS Code 15179010 represents edible artificial mixtures of products containing soybean oil. Importers and exporters should be aware of the duty rates, special tariff preference programs, and the specific US states involved in the trade of products classified under this HS code. By understanding and utilizing this information, businesses can navigate international trade more effectively and take advantage of available opportunities.

More on HS code 15179010
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