
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 18062060: Confectioners' coatings & other products

Confectioners' coatings and other related products fall under HS Code 18062060. This code includes products that contain not less than 6.8% non-fat solids of the cocoa bean nib and not less than 15% vegetable fats. These coatings are commonly used in the confectionery industry to add a delicious layer of flavor and texture to various sweet treats. When it comes to international trade, understanding the HS code is crucial as it helps identify the specific category to which a product belongs. HS codes are used globally to classify products for customs and tariff purposes. By using the HS code, countries can ensure that trade barriers are lowered or markets are opened up for the same goods or services from all trading partners. The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for products under HS Code 18062060 is 2%. This means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This promotes fairness and equal treatment in international trade. The quantity unit for products classified under HS Code 18062060 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is used to determine the weight of the products being imported or exported. In terms of tariff preference programs, products under HS Code 18062060 are eligible for various special rates and exemptions. Some of the programs include: 1. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP): This program offers duty-free treatment for eligible products. 2. Australia Special Rate: Australia provides a special rate for products falling under this HS code. 3. Bahrain Special Rate: Bahrain also offers a special rate for the import of these products. 4. NAFTA for Canada: Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canada grants duty-free treatment for products falling under this HS code. 5. Chile Special Rate: Chile provides a special rate for the import of these products. 6. Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI): This program offers duty-free treatment for eligible products imported from the Caribbean Basin countries. 7. Israel Special Rate: Israel grants duty-free treatment for products falling under this HS code. 8. Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA): The ATPA provides duty-free treatment for eligible products from Andean countries. 9. Jordan Special Rate: Jordan offers a special rate for the import of these products. 10. Morocco Special Rate: Morocco provides a special rate for products falling under this HS code. 11. NAFTA for Mexico: Similar to Canada, Mexico grants duty-free treatment for products under this HS code as part of NAFTA. 12. Oman Special Rate: Oman offers a special rate for the import of these products. 13. Dominican Republic-Central American Special Rate (DR-CAFTA): Under the DR-CAFTA agreement, eligible products from the Dominican Republic and Central American countries receive duty-free treatment. 14. Peru Special Rate: Peru provides a special rate for products falling under this HS code. 15. Singapore Special Rate: Singapore offers a special rate for the import of these products. When it comes to importing products classified under HS Code 18062060 to the United States, the data shows that the state of Vermont is the main destination. This indicates that there is a significant demand for confectioners' coatings and related products in Vermont. On the exporting side, Vermont also stands out as the main state from which these products are shipped. This suggests that Vermont plays a significant role in the production and distribution of confectioners' coatings and related products in the United States. HS Code 18062060 pertains to confectioners' coatings and other products that meet specific criteria regarding cocoa bean nib solids and vegetable fats. Understanding the HS code is essential for international trade, as it helps classify products and determine tariff rates. The special tariff preference programs further facilitate trade by offering duty-free treatment or special rates for eligible products. The data highlights Vermont's importance in both importing and exporting products under this HS code, indicating a thriving confectionery industry in the state.

More on HS code 18062060
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