
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 19012025: Mixes and doughs for the prep of bakers wares

Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers wares fall under HS Code 19012025. These products are specifically classified under heading 1905 of the Harmonized System (HS), which pertains to various bakery products. The product description for HS Code 19012025 states that it includes mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers wares containing over 25% by weight of butterfat. These mixes and doughs are not put up for retail sale and are classified under the "not elsewhere specified or included" (nesoi) category. When it comes to tariffs, the bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 19012025 is 42.3 cents per kilogram (kg) plus an additional 8.5% of the value. It's important to note that trade barriers and market openings must be applied equally to all trading partners for the same goods or services. The quantity unit for this HS Code is kilograms (KG), which denotes the weight of the product being imported or exported. There are also special tariff preference programs available for HS Code 19012025. These programs allow for preferential treatment in terms of tariffs for certain countries. For instance, Jordan (JO) and Mexico (MX) have a free tariff preference program for this HS Code. Other countries like Bahrain (BH), Chile (CL), Morocco (MA), Oman (OM), and Singapore (SG) have their own special rates, which can be further detailed in the respective subcategories of the HS Code. In terms of importing and exporting HS Code 19012025 to and from the United States, the data provided shows that the product has been imported from Hawaii and Vermont, while it has been exported to Vermont. This information is useful for businesses and individuals involved in the import and export of these particular products. HS Code 19012025 encompasses mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers wares containing over 25% by weight of butterfat. It is important to be aware of the specific HS Code when importing or exporting these products in order to ensure compliance with tariff rates and take advantage of any special tariff preference programs available. The information provided about the quantity unit and the importing/exporting states of the United States further aids in understanding the market for these products.

More on HS code 19012025
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