
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 24039930: Other Manufactured Tobacco for Non-Cigarette Products

HS Code 24039930 refers to other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, other than cigarettes. This code is used to classify tobacco products that are intended for use in products other than cigarettes. In this article, we will explore the details of this HS code, including its product description, duty rates, quantity unit, and special tariff preference programs.

Product Description

The product description for HS Code 24039930 is "Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, other, to be used in products other than cigarettes." This code covers a wide range of tobacco products that are not specifically designed for smoking purposes, such as pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, and other tobacco extracts or essences used in various non-cigarette products.

Uses in Non-Cigarette Products

Tobacco products classified under HS Code 24039930 are commonly used in various non-cigarette products. Some of the common uses include:

These tobacco products cater to individuals who prefer alternative ways of consuming tobacco or who seek the unique flavors and aromas provided by these products.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for HS Code 24039930 is 24.7 cents/kg. The MFN principle states that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This duty rate applies uniformly to all countries importing tobacco products classified under this HS code.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 24039930 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is used to determine the weight of the tobacco products being imported or exported under this HS code. The quantity unit helps in calculating duties, assessing taxes, and tracking the volume of trade for statistical purposes.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Tobacco products classified under HS Code 24039930 may be eligible for special tariff preference programs, providing certain countries with preferential treatment or duty-free status. Here are some of the special tariff preference programs applicable to this HS code:

These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by reducing or eliminating import duties on specific goods, including tobacco products.

Importing US States

While the specific details of importing US states are not provided, it is worth noting that the data mentions Florida and Montana as importing states for tobacco products under HS Code 24039930. The variation in importing states indicates the distribution and consumption of these tobacco products across different regions of the United States.

Exporting US States

The data mentions several US states as exporting states for tobacco products classified under HS Code 24039930. These states include North Carolina, Virginia, Montana, and Ohio. These states are likely to have tobacco production and manufacturing facilities, contributing to the export of tobacco products to various domestic and international markets.

HS Code 24039930 encompasses a range of tobacco products intended for use in non-cigarette products. This code helps in classifying and regulating the trade of these products, ensuring appropriate duties and preferential treatment under specific tariff preference programs. The importing and exporting states mentioned provide insights into the distribution and production of tobacco products in the United States.

More on HS code 24039930
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