
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 28500010: Hydride, Nitride, Azide, Silicide, and Boride of Tungsten

The HS code 28500010 refers to the classification and identification of a specific product: hydride, nitride, azide, silicide, and boride of tungsten. This code helps in the international trade of goods by providing a standardized system for identifying and categorizing products.

The product description includes various compounds derived from tungsten, such as hydride, nitride, azide, silicide, and boride. Tungsten is a rare and valuable metal known for its high melting point, density, and strength. These compounds can have different applications in industries like aerospace, electronics, and manufacturing.

The bound or most favored nation (MFN) duty rate for HS code 28500010 is 5.5%. This means that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. The duty rate is the percentage of the product's value that is payable as customs duty upon importation.

The quantity unit for HS code 28500010 is kilograms (KG). This unit helps in determining the weight or quantity of the product being imported or exported. It is important for accurate measurement and pricing calculations.

There are several special tariff preference programs associated with HS code 28500010. These programs provide specific benefits or exemptions to certain countries or regions. Some of the programs applicable to this HS code include:

In terms of importing and exporting HS code 28500010, it is essential to consider the specific regulations and requirements of the involved countries. The following are examples of importing and exporting US states for this HS code:

These states highlight the trade activities related to hydride, nitride, azide, silicide, and boride of tungsten in the United States.

HS code 28500010 represents a specific category of tungsten compounds. Its product description includes hydride, nitride, azide, silicide, and boride of tungsten. The code is used in international trade to classify and identify these products for customs and regulatory purposes. Understanding the duty rates, quantity unit, and special tariff preference programs associated with this HS code is essential for importers, exporters, and regulatory authorities.

More on HS code 28500010
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