
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 29141150: Acetone, not derived in whole or in part from cumene

Acetone, a commonly used chemical compound, has a specific Harmonized System (HS) code assigned to it for international trade purposes. The HS Code 29141150 specifically refers to acetone that is not derived in whole or in part from cumene.

When importing or exporting acetone, it is essential to accurately classify the product using the correct HS code. This code helps customs authorities and traders identify and categorize different goods for regulatory, statistical, and tariff purposes.

The HS Code 29141150 encompasses acetone that does not have any cumene content. Cumene is a compound used in the production of acetone, and its exclusion in this code implies that the acetone has been derived from alternative sources.

Bound / MFN duty rate: Free

The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 29141150 is free. This means that countries must eliminate any import tariffs or duties when trading this specific type of acetone. It promotes fair trade practices by ensuring equal treatment for all trading partners.

Quantity unit: Kilograms (KG)

The quantity unit for HS Code 29141150 is kilograms (KG). This measurement unit is used to determine the weight or quantity of acetone being imported or exported.

Special tariff preference programs:

Importing US states: West Virginia

The data provided indicates that the state of West Virginia is involved in the importation of acetone under HS Code 29141150. West Virginia serves as a significant destination for acetone imports, highlighting the demand for this chemical compound in various industries within the state.

Exporting US states: West Virginia

Interestingly, West Virginia is not only an importing state but also an exporting state for acetone under HS Code 29141150. This suggests that West Virginia has a robust acetone industry, producing and exporting the chemical compound to meet international demand.

HS Code 29141150 pertains to acetone that is not derived from cumene. Understanding the HS code is crucial for accurate classification, regulatory compliance, and determining the applicable import duties or special tariff rates. Importers and exporters of acetone need to be aware of the specific requirements and preferential treatment available under various trade agreements and programs.

More on HS code 29141150
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