
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 29350033: Sulfathiazole and Sulfathiazole Sodium

The HS Code 29350033 refers to the product Sulfathiazole and Sulfathiazole Sodium. It is a specific code used to classify and identify this particular product for international trade purposes.

Sulfathiazole is a sulfonamide antibiotic that is commonly used for the treatment of various bacterial infections. It works by inhibiting the growth and multiplication of bacteria, thereby helping to eliminate the infection. Sulfathiazole Sodium is the sodium salt form of sulfathiazole, which is more soluble in water and can be used for both oral and injectable forms of the medication.

When it comes to international trade, the HS Code is an important tool for customs authorities and traders to classify and identify products for import and export. It is used worldwide and helps to ensure that goods are properly classified and taxed according to each country's regulations.

The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 29350033 is free. This means that no import duties or taxes are levied on this product when it is traded between countries. It is important to note that this duty rate applies whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, and it must be applied equally to all trading partners.

The quantity unit for HS Code 29350033 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is used to determine the weight or quantity of the product being imported or exported.

There are also special tariff preference programs that offer duty-free treatment for the importation of HS Code 29350033. These programs include:

When it comes to importing HS Code 29350033 into the United States, the following states are known to import this product:

On the other hand, the following states are known to export HS Code 29350033 from the United States:

the HS Code 29350033 is used to classify and identify the product Sulfathiazole and Sulfathiazole Sodium for international trade purposes. It is important for importers, exporters, and customs authorities to understand the specific code and its implications when it comes to duties, tariffs, and preferential treatment programs. By properly classifying and identifying products using the HS Code, trade can be facilitated and regulated effectively.

More on HS code 29350033
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