
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 38170010: Mixed Linear Alkylbenzenes

Mixed linear alkylbenzenes, classified under HS Code 38170010, are a type of chemical compound used in various industries. This article will provide an extensive overview of the HS code 38170010, including its product description, duty rates, quantity unit, special tariff preference programs, and importing/exporting US states. Product Description: HS Code 38170010 refers to mixed linear alkylbenzenes that are distinct from those classified under heading 2707 or 2902. Linear alkylbenzenes are organic compounds widely used as surfactants, solvents, and intermediates in the production of detergents, lubricants, and other chemicals. They are primarily derived from the reaction of benzene with linear alpha olefins. Bound / MFN Duty Rate: The bound or Most Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 38170010 is 6.5%. This duty rate applies every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market. It ensures that the same goods or services from all trading partners receive equal treatment. Quantity Unit: The quantity unit for imports and exports under HS Code 38170010 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement allows for accurate tracking and assessment of the quantity of mixed linear alkylbenzenes being traded. Special Tariff Preference Programs: HS Code 38170010 is eligible for various special tariff preference programs, offering preferential duty rates or duty-free treatment. Here are some notable programs and the corresponding countries:
  1. Free:
    • A+: Only imports from least-developed beneficiary developing countries eligible for GSP under that subheading (duty-free treatment)
    • AU: Australia Special Rate (duty-free treatment)
    • BH: Bahrain Special Rate (duty-free treatment)
    • CA: NAFTA for Canada (duty-free treatment)
    • CL: Chile Special Rate (duty-free treatment)
    • D: Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) (duty-free treatment)
    • E: Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) (duty-free treatment)
    • IL: Israel Special Rate (duty-free treatment)
    • J: Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA) (duty-free treatment)
    • JO: Jordan Special Rate (duty-free treatment)
    • MA: Morocco Special Rate (duty-free treatment)
    • MX: NAFTA for Mexico (duty-free treatment)
    • OM: Oman Special Rate (duty-free treatment)
    • P: Dominican Republic-Central American Special Rate (DR-CAFTA) (duty-free treatment)
    • PE: Peru Special Rate (1% duty)
  2. 1%: SG (Singapore Special Rate)
These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by offering reduced or eliminated duty rates for specific products. Importing US States: HS Code 38170010 is imported by several US states, including: These states play an essential role in the importation and distribution of mixed linear alkylbenzenes within the United States. Exporting US States: The article does not provide specific information about the US states exporting mixed linear alkylbenzenes under HS Code 38170010. However, it is crucial to note that the United States is a significant exporter of various chemical products, including alkylbenzenes, to countries worldwide. HS Code 38170010 encompasses mixed linear alkylbenzenes, which are versatile chemical compounds used in various industries. Understanding the product description, duty rates, special tariff preference programs, and the involvement of specific US states in importing these substances is vital for both businesses and policymakers in promoting fair trade practices and economic growth.

More on HS code 38170010
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