
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 38237060: Industrial Fatty Alcohols

Fatty alcohols are important chemical compounds used in various industries, including personal care, pharmaceuticals, and cleaning products. They are commonly derived from fatty substances of animal or vegetable origin. However, HS Code 38237060 specifically refers to industrial fatty alcohols that are not derived from such sources.

The HS Code 38237060 is used to classify and facilitate the international trade of these industrial fatty alcohols. This code is recognized globally and helps customs authorities, importers, and exporters to identify and categorize the product accurately.

Product Description

The product description of HS Code 38237060 is "Industrial fatty alcohols other than derived from fatty substances of animal or vegetable origin." This means that the fatty alcohols covered by this code are not obtained from animal fats or vegetable oils.

Industrial fatty alcohols are primarily used as raw materials in the manufacturing of various products. They serve as emollients, emulsifiers, thickeners, and solvents in the formulation of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, detergents, and industrial chemicals.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for HS Code 38237060 is 2.4%. This rate applies to all countries that import or export industrial fatty alcohols under this code. The MFN principle ensures that any trade barrier or market opening must be applied equally to all trading partners.

When a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This promotes fair and equitable trade practices and prevents discrimination against any specific country or product.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 38237060 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is used to quantify the weight or quantity of industrial fatty alcohols being imported or exported.

By using a standardized quantity unit, it becomes easier to compare trade data and track the volume of international trade in industrial fatty alcohols. It also allows for accurate calculation of duties, taxes, and other trade-related costs.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

HS Code 38237060 is eligible for various special tariff preference programs, which provide preferential treatment in terms of customs duties. Some of these programs include:

These special tariff preference programs aim to promote economic development, enhance trade relations, and provide benefits to specific countries or regions. Importers and exporters can take advantage of these programs to reduce or eliminate customs duties on industrial fatty alcohols.

Importing and Exporting US States

For HS Code 38237060, the following US states are listed as importing and exporting destinations:

Importing US States:

Exporting US States:

These states are involved in the importation and exportation of industrial fatty alcohols covered by HS Code 38237060. The movement of goods between these states contributes to the domestic and international trade of these products.

HS Code 38237060 represents industrial fatty alcohols not derived from animal or vegetable sources. This code helps in the classification, regulation, and facilitation of international trade. Importers and exporters can benefit from special tariff preference programs and should be aware of the specific states involved in the trade of these products.

More on HS code 38237060
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