
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 39211211: Nonadhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Strip, Cellular, of Polymers of Vinyl Chloride, with Man-Made Textile Fibers, over 70% Plastics

Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, with man-made textile fibers, over 70% plastics fall under HS Code 39211211. This code is used to classify and identify specific types of products for international trade purposes.

The product description indicates that these nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, and cellular materials are made from polymers of vinyl chloride, with the addition of man-made textile fibers. These materials consist of over 70% plastics.

The HS Code is an internationally recognized system for classifying and categorizing goods traded between countries. It helps to streamline customs procedures, facilitate international trade, and ensure consistency and uniformity in trade statistics.

When importing or exporting products classified under HS Code 39211211, it is important to be aware of the relevant duty rates and special tariff preference programs.

The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for this HS Code is 4.2%. This means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. The duty rate is applicable to the value of the goods and is imposed by the importing country.

The quantity unit for products classified under HS Code 39211211 is square meters (M2). This unit of measurement helps to determine the quantity of the product being traded.

There are several special tariff preference programs that offer duty-free treatment for products classified under HS Code 39211211. These programs include:

When importing products classified under HS Code 39211211 into the United States, it is important to consider the specific regulations and requirements of the importing and exporting states. In the case of this article, the data provided indicates that the product has been exported from Ohio, but it does not specify the importing states.

Overall, understanding the HS Code and its associated details, such as product description, duty rates, quantity unit, and special tariff preference programs, is essential for businesses engaged in international trade. It helps ensure compliance with customs regulations, optimize trade opportunities, and make informed decisions regarding imports and exports.

More on HS code 39211211
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