
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 48099040: Simplex Decalcomania Paper in Rolls or Sheets

Simplex decalcomania paper is a type of paper that is used for various purposes such as printing, labeling, and packaging. This specific type of paper falls under HS Code 48099040, which categorizes it as simplex decalcomania paper in rolls over 36 cm wide or in rectangular sheets over 36 cm on side(s).

The HS Code is an internationally recognized system for classifying and categorizing products for customs and trade purposes. It helps in identifying the specific product and its characteristics, facilitating smooth trade between countries.

Product Description

The product description for HS Code 48099040 provides specific details about the simplex decalcomania paper. It states that the paper can be in the form of rolls that are over 36 cm wide or in rectangular sheets that are over 36 cm on side(s). This description helps in distinguishing the product from similar types of paper and ensures accurate classification for import and export purposes.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for HS Code 48099040 is free. This means that no duty or tariff is imposed on the import or export of simplex decalcomania paper. The concept of MFN is based on the principle of non-discrimination, which ensures that a country must treat all its trading partners equally by applying the same duty rate for the same goods or services.

Therefore, when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up its market, it has to do so for all its trading partners, including the import and export of simplex decalcomania paper.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 48099040 is kilograms (KG). This means that the measurement and calculation of the quantity of simplex decalcomania paper are done in kilograms. It is important to accurately measure and declare the weight of the paper during import and export processes to comply with customs regulations and ensure proper documentation.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Special tariff preference programs may exist for HS Code 48099040, depending on the trading agreements between countries. These programs provide certain benefits, exemptions, or reduced tariffs for eligible products.

Importing US states and exporting US states play a crucial role in the trade of simplex decalcomania paper. Some of the states involved in importing and exporting this product include Maine. These states serve as important hubs for the distribution and trade of simplex decalcomania paper within the United States.


HS Code 48099040 represents simplex decalcomania paper in rolls over 36 cm wide or in rectangular sheets over 36 cm on side(s). This code helps in accurately classifying and categorizing the product for customs and trade purposes. It is important to understand the product description, duty rates, quantity unit, and any special tariff preference programs associated with the HS Code in order to facilitate smooth international trade.

Furthermore, the involvement of importing and exporting US states, such as Maine, highlights the significance of these states in the trade of simplex decalcomania paper. These states serve as important players in the distribution and trade network, contributing to the overall economic growth and development.

More on HS code 48099040
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