
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 48103930: Nonbleached uniformly kraft paper cards, not punched, for punchcard machines, coated w/inorganic substances, strips/sheets nesoi

The HS Code 48103930 refers to a specific product description: nonbleached uniformly kraft paper cards, not punched, for punchcard machines, coated with inorganic substances, strips or sheets not elsewhere specified.

This HS code is used to classify and categorize this particular type of product for international trade purposes. It helps customs officials and traders identify and track the product as it crosses borders.

Product Description

The product covered by HS Code 48103930 is a type of kraft paper card that is specifically designed for use in punchcard machines. These cards are made from nonbleached uniformly kraft paper, which gives them strength and durability.

Unlike punched cards that have pre-made holes, these cards are not punched, allowing for customization and flexibility in their use. They are coated with inorganic substances, which may provide additional protection or enhance their performance in certain applications.

The strips or sheets included in this HS code are not elsewhere specified, meaning they do not fall under any other more specific HS code for similar products.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for the product under HS Code 48103930 is free. This means that no duty or tariff is imposed on the import of this product into countries that have committed to the MFN principle.

The MFN principle states that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This promotes fairness and equal treatment among trading nations.

Therefore, when importing this product into a country that abides by the MFN principle, no additional duties or tariffs will be imposed, making it more cost-effective for traders.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 48103930 is kilograms (KG). This means that the weight of the product, when imported or exported, is measured and recorded in kilograms.

This standard unit of measurement helps in accurately assessing the quantity and value of the product being traded. It provides a common basis for trade statistics and ensures consistency in international trade transactions.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

There are no specific special tariff preference programs mentioned for HS Code 48103930 in the given data. However, it's worth noting that different countries may have their own preferential trade agreements or regional trade blocs that offer reduced or eliminated tariffs for certain products.

Traders should consult the relevant trade agreements or contact the customs authorities of the importing country to determine if any special tariff preference programs apply to this product.

Importing and Exporting US States

The given data provides information about the importing and exporting US states for the product under HS Code 48103930. The importing state is South Dakota, while the exporting states are Arkansas, Idaho, Vermont, and Alabama.

This information indicates that South Dakota is the destination for imports of this product, while Arkansas, Idaho, Vermont, and Alabama are the states from which it is being exported.

It's important to note that the data provided is limited and may not represent the complete picture of importing and exporting states for this product. Traders should refer to official trade statistics or consult with relevant authorities for comprehensive information on trade flows.

HS Code 48103930 represents nonbleached uniformly kraft paper cards, not punched, for punchcard machines, coated with inorganic substances, strips or sheets not elsewhere specified. Understanding this HS code is essential for accurate classification, tracking, and trade of this product in international markets.

More on HS code 48103930
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