
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 53110020: Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers, containing more than 17% by weight of wool or fine animal hair

Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers, containing more than 17% by weight of wool or fine animal hair fall under HS Code 53110020. This classification is used to identify and categorize these specific types of fabrics for international trade purposes.

The HS code is an internationally recognized system of product classification that is used by customs authorities around the world. It helps to ensure uniformity and consistency in the classification of products, making it easier for countries to impose tariffs, track trade statistics, and monitor the movement of goods across borders.

The product description of HS Code 53110020 specifies that the woven fabrics are made of vegetable textile fibers and contain more than 17% by weight of wool or fine animal hair. This means that these fabrics are a blend of plant-based fibers, such as cotton or linen, with animal-based fibers like wool or fine animal hair.

The bound / MFN duty rate for products classified under HS Code 53110020 is 14.5%. This means that when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. The duty rate is applied to the value of the imported goods and is collected by the customs authorities of the importing country.

The quantity unit for HS Code 53110020 is square meters (M2). This unit of measurement is used to quantify the size or area of the woven fabrics being imported or exported.

There are also special tariff preference programs available for products classified under HS Code 53110020. These programs provide reduced or duty-free rates for specific countries or regions, encouraging trade and economic cooperation. For example, Australia, Bahrain, Canada (under NAFTA), Chile, Israel, Jordan, Mexico (under NAFTA), Oman, Peru, Singapore, and the Dominican Republic-Central America (under DR-CAFTA) offer special rate preferences for these woven fabrics.

Importing US states and exporting US states are not specified in the given data for HS Code 53110020. However, it is important to note that the United States is a major player in international trade and imports and exports a wide range of products, including those classified under this HS code.

HS Code 53110020 refers to woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers, containing more than 17% by weight of wool or fine animal hair. This specific classification helps customs authorities and traders accurately identify and categorize these fabrics for international trade purposes. The HS code, along with the product description, duty rate, quantity unit, and special tariff preference programs, provides important information for importers, exporters, and customs officials involved in the trade of these fabrics.

More on HS code 53110020
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