
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 54024911: Colored Multifilament Yarn for Doll Wigs

The HS Code 54024911 refers to colored multifilament yarn that is specifically used to make wigs for dolls. This type of yarn is made from modacrylic and can be either untwisted or twisted, with a maximum of 5 turns per meter. It is important to note that this yarn is not intended for retail sale.

When importing or exporting this product, the quantity unit is measured in kilograms (KG). This measurement helps to determine the weight and quantity of the yarn being traded.

The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for this HS code is free. This means that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This encourages fair and equal trade among countries.

In addition to the bound / MFN duty rate, there are also special tariff preference programs available for this product. These programs offer preferential treatment or exemptions from customs duties for specific countries. For the HS Code 54024911, the following countries have special tariff preference programs:

These special tariff preference programs allow for more favorable trade conditions between the countries involved, promoting economic cooperation and trade growth.

When it comes to importing this product into the United States, the exporting US states may vary depending on the availability and demand for doll wigs made from colored multifilament yarn. Likewise, the exporting US states may also vary based on the production capacity and distribution channels of yarn manufacturers.

the HS Code 54024911 refers to colored multifilament yarn used for making wigs for dolls. This product is made from modacrylic and can be untwisted or twisted, with a maximum of 5 turns per meter. It is not intended for retail sale. The bound / MFN duty rate is free, and there are additional special tariff preference programs available for certain countries. Importing and exporting US states may vary based on market demand and production capabilities.

More on HS code 54024911
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