
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 59031015: Textile Fabric Spec in Note 9 to Sect XI, of Man-Made Fibers, Impreg, Coated, Covered or Laminated w/Polyvinyl Chloride, over 60% Plastics

The HS Code 59031015 refers to a specific type of textile fabric that falls under the category of man-made fibers. This fabric is impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and contains over 60% plastics. The code provides a detailed description of the product and helps in classifying it for international trade purposes.

One important aspect related to this HS code is the bound / MFN duty rate. The term MFN stands for Most Favored Nation, which means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. In the case of HS Code 59031015, the bound / MFN duty rate is free, indicating that there are no additional tariffs or duties imposed on imports of this product.

The quantity unit for this HS code is square meters (M2), which signifies that the measurement is based on the area of the fabric. This unit helps in determining the quantity of the product being imported or exported.

There are also special tariff preference programs associated with HS Code 59031015. These programs provide certain countries with preferential treatment in terms of tariffs or duties. The following countries enjoy free tariff preference programs for this HS code: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, European Union, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Oman, Peru, Singapore. Additionally, Morocco has a special rate of 0.3% for this product.

When it comes to importing this product into the United States, the data does not specify any particular states. However, it is important to note that the HS code applies to the entire country and can be used for importing this product into any state within the United States.

Overall, HS Code 59031015 provides a clear classification for textile fabric made from man-made fibers and coated with polyvinyl chloride. The code helps in facilitating international trade by providing a standardized system for identifying and categorizing products.

More on HS code 59031015
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