
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 62082910: Women's or girls' nightdresses and pajamas, of textile materials (except cotton or mmf), containing ? 70% by wt of silk or silk waste, not k/c

The HS Code 62082910 refers to a specific product category: women's or girls' nightdresses and pajamas made of textile materials, excluding cotton or man-made fibers (mmf). These nightdresses and pajamas must contain at least 70% by weight of silk or silk waste and should not be knitted or crocheted.

When importing or exporting products, it is crucial to have a standardized classification system like the HS Code. The HS Code is a harmonized system of product classification used by customs authorities worldwide. It helps identify and categorize goods for customs purposes and facilitates international trade.

Product Description

The product description of HS Code 62082910 specifies that it includes nightdresses and pajamas designed for women or girls. These garments are made of textile materials, excluding cotton or man-made fibers, and must have a minimum silk content of 70% by weight. The exclusion of cotton and man-made fibers ensures that the product falls into a specific category of nightwear made primarily of silk.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 62082910 is 1.1%. The MFN duty rate is the maximum rate of duty that a country can charge for a specific product category. It ensures that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it does so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 62082910 is dozens (DOZ). This means that the products under this HS Code are typically measured and traded in units of twelve.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Various special tariff preference programs offer different rates for importing products under HS Code 62082910. The following countries or regions provide preferential treatment for the import of these nightdresses and pajamas:

These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by reducing or eliminating import duties for specific goods.

Importing US States

HS Code 62082910 allows for the import of women's or girls' nightdresses and pajamas into various states within the United States. Importers can distribute these products to different regions based on market demand and preferences.

Exporting US States

Exporters from the United States can ship women's or girls' nightdresses and pajamas (HS Code 62082910) to different countries worldwide. The demand for these products may vary across regions, and exporters can target specific markets based on factors such as consumer preferences and trade agreements.

HS Code 62082910 represents a specific category of women's or girls' nightdresses and pajamas made primarily of silk. It is essential for importers, exporters, and customs authorities to correctly classify and understand the HS Code to ensure proper trade facilitation and compliance with relevant regulations. The inclusion of special tariff preference programs further enhances the opportunities for trade and economic cooperation between countries.

More on HS code 62082910
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