
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 64061072: Uppers for footwear, nesoi, of cotton, w/external surface area less than 50% textile materials

The HS Code 64061072 refers to the classification of a specific product in international trade. In this case, it represents the uppers for footwear made of cotton, with an external surface area of less than 50% textile materials. This code is used for customs and tariff purposes to ensure the accurate identification and classification of goods during import and export.

When importing or exporting products, it is essential to understand the HS code as it determines the applicable duty rates and any special tariff preference programs that may be available. Let's take a closer look at the details associated with HS Code 64061072.

Product Description

The product described by HS Code 64061072 is the uppers for footwear made of cotton. These uppers are the part of the shoe that covers the foot, providing protection and support. The external surface area of these uppers consists of less than 50% textile materials, indicating that other materials may be used in their construction.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for HS Code 64061072 is 11.2%. This rate applies to all countries and serves as the standard duty rate for this particular product. It is important to note that this rate can vary depending on trade agreements, special tariff preference programs, or any changes in trade barriers.

Whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This principle of non-discrimination, known as the Most Favored Nation principle, ensures fair and equal treatment in international trade.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 64061072 is pairs (PRS). This indicates that the product is measured and traded in pairs, as each pair of shoe uppers can be used to manufacture one pair of shoes.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

HS Code 64061072 is eligible for various special tariff preference programs that provide reduced or duty-free treatment for specific countries. These programs aim to promote economic development, foster trade relationships, and incentivize certain trade activities. The following are the special tariff preference programs applicable to this HS code:

These special tariff preference programs offer advantages for both importing and exporting countries, encouraging trade and economic cooperation.

Importing US States

HS Code 64061072 is imported by the following US states:

These states engage in the importation of uppers for footwear made of cotton, with an external surface area of less than 50% textile materials. Importers in these states should be aware of the applicable duty rates and any special tariff preference programs that may apply.

Exporting US States

The exporting US states for HS Code 64061072 are not specified in the provided data. However, it is important to note that this HS code represents a specific product that can be exported from various states across the United States.

HS Code 64061072 refers to the uppers for footwear made of cotton, with an external surface area of less than 50% textile materials. Importers and exporters dealing with this product should be familiar with the associated duty rates, special tariff preference programs, and the states involved in its importation. Understanding the HS code is crucial for accurate classification and compliance with international trade regulations.

More on HS code 64061072
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