
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 64061090: Uppers & pts. thereof for footwear, nesoi

The HS Code 64061090 refers to the product description of "Uppers & pts. thereof for footwear, nesoi." This code is used to classify and identify specific types of goods for import and export purposes. Understanding the HS code is essential for international trade, as it helps ensure proper classification and accurate customs duties.

The bound/MFN duty rate for HS Code 64061090 is 4.5%. This means that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must apply the same duty rate of 4.5% for all its trading partners. This ensures fair and equal treatment for all countries involved in trade.

The quantity unit for HS Code 64061090 is not available (NA). This indicates that the specific unit of measurement for this product is not defined or provided. However, it does not affect the classification or application of the HS code.

There are several special tariff preference programs associated with HS Code 64061090. These include:

The special tariff preference programs offer either duty-free treatment or reduced duty rates for imports and exports of this specific product. It promotes trade between countries and encourages economic cooperation.

When it comes to importing HS Code 64061090 to the United States, the following states are involved:

These states are the primary destinations for this product within the United States. Understanding the specific states involved in trade can help businesses plan their logistics and distribution strategies accordingly.

When it comes to exporting HS Code 64061090 from the United States, the specific states involved are not provided in the given data. However, it is important to note that the United States is a significant exporter of various goods, including footwear and its components.

HS Code 64061090 refers to "Uppers & pts. thereof for footwear, nesoi." This code helps classify and identify the product for import and export purposes. The bound/MFN duty rate, special tariff preference programs, and specific states involved in trade play crucial roles in international business transactions. Understanding and complying with the HS code requirements is essential for successful and compliant international trade.

More on HS code 64061090
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