
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 69111010: Porcelain or china hotel, restaurant & nonhousehold table and kitchenware

The HS Code 69111010 refers to porcelain or china hotel, restaurant & nonhousehold table and kitchenware. This code is used to classify and identify specific products for international trade purposes. Each product is assigned a unique HS code, which is used by customs authorities to determine the applicable duties and regulations.

Product Description:
The products covered by HS Code 69111010 include various tableware and kitchenware made of porcelain or china. These items are commonly used in hotels, restaurants, and nonhousehold settings. Examples of products falling under this code include plates, bowls, cups, saucers, serving dishes, and other similar items.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate:
The bound / MFN duty rate for products classified under HS Code 69111010 is 25%. This means that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must apply the same duty rate for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. The 25% duty rate is applicable regardless of the country of origin or destination.

Quantity Unit:
The quantity unit used for products classified under HS Code 69111010 is dozen pieces (DPC). This unit represents a group of twelve pieces of tableware or kitchenware.

Special Tariff Preference Programs:
Certain countries and regions offer special tariff preference programs for imports of products classified under HS Code 69111010. These programs provide preferential treatment in terms of duty rates. Some of the special tariff preference programs applicable to this HS code are as follows:

Importing US States and Exporting US States:
The HS Code 69111010 is used for international trade and applies to imports and exports of porcelain or china table and kitchenware. Therefore, importing US states and exporting US states can vary depending on the specific trade transactions and agreements between countries.

the HS Code 69111010 represents porcelain or china hotel, restaurant & nonhousehold table and kitchenware. This code is used for classifying and identifying these products in international trade. The code is associated with a 25% bound / MFN duty rate, and the quantity unit is dozen pieces (DPC). Additionally, there are various special tariff preference programs available for imports of these products, providing different levels of duty-free treatment or reduced duty rates. It is important for importers and exporters to be aware of these programs and regulations to optimize their trade operations.

More on HS code 69111010
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