
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 72202080: Stainless Razor Blade Steel

HS Code 72202080 refers to stainless razor blade steel that is cold-rolled and flat-rolled with a width less than 300mm and a thickness not exceeding 0.25mm. This code is used to classify and identify this specific type of steel for international trade purposes.

Stainless razor blade steel is a high-quality material commonly used in the manufacturing of razor blades due to its excellent durability, sharpness, and resistance to corrosion. It provides a long-lasting and reliable cutting edge, making it ideal for use in shaving and grooming products.

When importing or exporting products classified under HS Code 72202080, it is essential to understand the relevant regulations and trade policies. In this article, we will explore the various aspects related to this HS code, including the bound/MFN duty rate, quantity unit, and special tariff preference programs.

Bound/MFN Duty Rate

The bound/MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate is the maximum tariff rate that a country can impose on imported goods. It represents the commitment made by a country to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and ensures that trade barriers are not raised beyond a certain level. In the case of HS Code 72202080, the bound/MFN duty rate is free. This means that there are no additional tariffs or duties imposed on the importation of stainless razor blade steel under this HS code.

It is important to note that the bound/MFN duty rate applies uniformly to all trading partners of a country. This principle ensures that a country cannot discriminate between its trading partners and must provide the same treatment to goods or services from all countries.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 72202080 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is used to determine the weight of the imported or exported stainless razor blade steel. It provides a standardized way to quantify the quantity of goods being traded.

The use of kilograms as the quantity unit allows for easy comparison and calculation of trade volumes. It ensures consistency in the measurement of stainless razor blade steel shipments, facilitating accurate record-keeping and statistical analysis.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Special tariff preference programs are initiatives that aim to promote trade between countries by providing preferential treatment to certain products or trading partners. These programs often involve reduced or eliminated tariffs on specific goods, making them more competitive in the global market.

While there may be various special tariff preference programs available for different goods and countries, it is worth noting that HS Code 72202080 does not have any specific programs associated with it, based on the available data. However, it is always advisable to consult the latest trade agreements and preferential trade arrangements to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.


HS Code 72202080 represents stainless razor blade steel that is cold-rolled and flat-rolled, with a width less than 300mm and a thickness not exceeding 0.25mm. This high-quality steel is widely used in the production of razor blades due to its durability, sharpness, and corrosion resistance.

Understanding the regulations and trade policies related to HS Code 72202080 is crucial for importers and exporters of stainless razor blade steel. The bound/MFN duty rate for this HS code is free, ensuring no additional tariffs or duties are imposed. The quantity unit for trade under this HS code is kilograms (KG), providing a standardized measurement for accurate record-keeping and analysis.

While there are no specific special tariff preference programs associated with HS Code 72202080 based on the available data, it is always recommended to stay informed about the latest trade agreements and preferential trade arrangements to take advantage of any potential benefits.

By understanding the details and implications of HS Code 72202080, businesses can navigate international trade more effectively and make informed decisions regarding the importation and exportation of stainless razor blade steel.

More on HS code 72202080
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