
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 72261910: Alloy Silicon Electrical Steel (Other Than Grain-Oriented), Flat-Rolled Products

The HS Code 72261910 refers to alloy silicon electrical steel (other than grain-oriented) that is in the form of flat-rolled products. This specific product has a width ranging from 300mm to less than 600mm. It is used in various applications that require specific electrical properties, such as in transformers, motors, and generators.

When it comes to international trade, the HS Code is an important classification system used to identify and categorize products. This code helps in determining the customs duties, taxes, and trade regulations that apply to a specific product. In the case of HS Code 72261910, it is essential for importers and exporters to understand the relevant information and regulations associated with this code.

The product description for HS Code 72261910 provides important details about the specific characteristics of the alloy silicon electrical steel. It specifies that the product is flat-rolled and not grain-oriented. Grain-oriented electrical steel has a special crystalline structure that allows for improved magnetic properties in specific directions, making it suitable for certain applications.

However, alloy silicon electrical steel, as described by this HS Code, is not grain-oriented. This means that it does not possess the same magnetic properties as grain-oriented electrical steel. Nonetheless, it still offers excellent electrical conductivity and magnetic properties, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

The quantity unit specified for HS Code 72261910 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is commonly used in international trade to determine the weight of the product being imported or exported. Importers and exporters need to accurately declare the weight of their shipments to comply with customs regulations and ensure proper documentation.

Special tariff preference programs may apply to products classified under HS Code 72261910. These programs are designed to promote trade between countries and provide certain benefits to importers and exporters. However, the availability and eligibility criteria for these programs may vary from country to country.

When it comes to importing this specific product into the United States, the data provided indicates that the state of Wyoming is importing it. This information suggests that there is a demand for alloy silicon electrical steel in Wyoming, possibly for use in various industries or construction projects.

On the other hand, the data shows that the state of Alabama is exporting this product. This suggests that Alabama has a production capacity for alloy silicon electrical steel and is able to meet the demand from other states or international markets.

HS Code 72261910 represents alloy silicon electrical steel in the form of flat-rolled products. This code provides important information about the product's characteristics, quantity unit, and potential tariff preferences. Understanding the HS Code is crucial for importers, exporters, and industry professionals involved in international trade.

More on HS code 72261910
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