
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 73061910: Iron or Nonalloy Steel Line Pipe for Oil and Gas Pipelines

The HS code 73061910 refers to a specific product category within the international Harmonized System (HS) of product classification. This code is used to classify iron or nonalloy steel line pipes that are seamed and have an external diameter of 406.4mm or less. These line pipes are primarily used for oil and gas pipelines.

Product Description

The product description for HS code 73061910 provides specific details about the type of line pipe covered by this code. It includes the material composition (iron or nonalloy steel), the characteristic of being seamed, and the size limitation of having an external diameter of 406.4mm or less. Additionally, the product description mentions that these line pipes can have a cross-section other than circular.

Trade Barriers and Market Access

One important aspect of international trade is the removal of trade barriers and the opening up of markets. The bound/MFN duty rate associated with HS code 73061910 is free, which means that there are no tariffs imposed on imports or exports of this product category. This supports the principle of non-discrimination, as every country must lower trade barriers or open up its market for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit used for HS code 73061910 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement allows for accurate and standardized quantification of the line pipes being imported or exported. It is important to note that the quantity unit may vary depending on the specific trade transaction or country regulations.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Special tariff preference programs are trade agreements or arrangements that provide certain benefits or preferences to eligible countries or products. These programs aim to promote economic cooperation and development among participating nations. For HS code 73061910, there may be specific tariff preferences granted to certain countries or regions, depending on the trade agreements they have with the importing country.

Importing US States

While the data provided does not explicitly mention the exporting US states, it states that the importing US state is Oklahoma. This information is crucial for tracking the flow of goods and understanding the market dynamics within specific regions of the United States.


HS code 73061910 represents iron or nonalloy steel line pipes used for oil and gas pipelines. The product description highlights the material composition, seamed structure, and size limitations of these line pipes. The bound/MFN duty rate associated with this HS code is free, reflecting the principle of non-discrimination in trade. The quantity unit used is kilograms (KG), ensuring standardized measurement. Additionally, special tariff preference programs and specific importing US states, such as Oklahoma, may play a role in the trade of these line pipes.

More on HS code 73061910
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