
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 73062920: Iron or Nonalloy Steel Casing for Oil and Gas Drilling

The HS Code 73062920 refers to a specific product category in international trade. In this article, we will explore the product description, tariff rates, quantity unit, and special tariff preference programs associated with this HS code. Additionally, we will discuss the importing and exporting US states for this product.

Product Description

The product covered by HS Code 73062920 is iron or nonalloy steel casing used in drilling for oil and gas. This casing is seamed, with an external diameter of 406.4mm or less, and can be of any cross-section other than circular. It should also be noted that this casing is non-threaded and non-coupled.

Iron or nonalloy steel casing plays a crucial role in the oil and gas industry. It is used to line the drilled hole and provides structural support, preventing collapse and maintaining well integrity. The specific dimensions and characteristics mentioned in the HS code ensure that the casing meets the requirements of the drilling process.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate associated with HS Code 73062920 is free. This means that there are no import duties levied on this product when it is brought into a country. The concept of MFN duty rate implies that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.

This duty rate encourages international trade by reducing the costs associated with importing iron or nonalloy steel casing for oil and gas drilling. It promotes fair competition and equal treatment of trading partners.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit specified for HS Code 73062920 is kilograms (KG). This means that the weight of the imported or exported casing will be measured in kilograms. The quantity unit helps in determining the volume of trade and facilitates accurate documentation and logistics management.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Special tariff preference programs may be available for iron or nonalloy steel casing under HS Code 73062920. These programs are designed to provide certain benefits or exemptions to specific countries or regions. However, the availability of such programs may vary depending on the importing and exporting countries.

It is advisable for importers and exporters of iron or nonalloy steel casing to explore the potential benefits of special tariff preference programs. These programs can help reduce or eliminate import duties, making the product more competitive in the global market.

Importing US States

Based on the available data, the importing US states for HS Code 73062920 are Oklahoma and North Dakota. These states have a demand for iron or nonalloy steel casing for oil and gas drilling purposes.

Oklahoma and North Dakota are known for their thriving oil and gas industries. The drilling activities in these states require a constant supply of high-quality casing materials to ensure safe and efficient extraction of natural resources.

Exporting US States

The data does not provide information about the exporting US states for HS Code 73062920. However, it is important to note that the United States has a significant presence in the global iron and steel market. Various states across the country contribute to the export of iron or nonalloy steel casing to meet the demand of international markets.

Some prominent US states involved in the production and export of iron and steel products include Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. These states have well-established steel industries and contribute to the global supply chain of drilling equipment and materials.

HS Code 73062920 represents iron or nonalloy steel casing used in oil and gas drilling. This product plays a vital role in the industry and facilitates the extraction of natural resources. The bound / MFN duty rate associated with this HS code is free, encouraging international trade. Importing US states for this product include Oklahoma and North Dakota. Exploring special tariff preference programs and understanding the exporting US states can further enhance trade opportunities for this product category.

More on HS code 73062920
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