
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 76151930: Aluminum, Cooking and Kitchen Ware (Other than Cast), Enameled or Glazed or Containing Nonstick Interior Finishes

HS Code 76151930 refers to aluminum cooking and kitchen ware that is not cast, but instead is enameled or glazed or contains nonstick interior finishes. This code is used to classify and identify this specific type of product in international trade.

Aluminum kitchenware is popular due to its lightweight, durability, and excellent heat conductivity. It is commonly used in households and professional kitchens for cooking, baking, and food preparation. The enameled or glazed coating provides a protective layer and adds aesthetic appeal, while the nonstick interior finishes make cooking and cleaning easier.

When importing or exporting products with HS Code 76151930, it is important to understand the duty rates and any special tariff preference programs that may apply. The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for this HS code is 3.1%. This means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. The duty rate ensures fair and equal treatment for all trading partners.

However, there are certain special tariff preference programs that may offer duty-free treatment for this product under specific circumstances. The following countries and programs provide special rates or exemptions:

These countries or programs may offer duty-free treatment or special rates for imports of aluminum cooking and kitchen ware under HS Code 76151930. It is important for importers and exporters to be aware of these programs and take advantage of any applicable benefits to reduce costs and enhance competitiveness.

In terms of quantity unit, the product is measured in numbers (NO). This unit indicates the quantity of individual items, such as pots, pans, or utensils, rather than a weight or volume measurement.

When it comes to importing this product into the United States, the states of Maryland and the District of Columbia are the main destinations. On the other hand, the exporting states within the US include Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, New York, West Virginia, and the Virgin Islands.

Overall, HS Code 76151930 represents a specific category of aluminum cooking and kitchen ware that is enameled or glazed or contains nonstick interior finishes. Understanding the duty rates and special tariff preference programs associated with this HS code can help importers and exporters navigate international trade more effectively, while knowledge of the specific importing and exporting states can aid in logistics and market targeting.

More on HS code 76151930
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