
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 78041900: Lead, plates & sheets, strip and foil w/thickness o/0.2mm, nesoi

Lead, plates & sheets, strip and foil with a thickness of over 0.2mm (not elsewhere specified or included) fall under HS Code 78041900. This code is used for the classification and identification of these specific goods in international trade.

When it comes to international trade, it is important to have a standardized system for the classification of goods. The Harmonized System (HS) is an internationally recognized system used for this purpose. HS codes are used by customs authorities to determine the appropriate tariff rates and regulations for imported and exported goods.

The product description of HS Code 78041900 specifies that it covers lead plates, sheets, strip, and foil with a thickness exceeding 0.2mm. This means that any lead product falling under this category will be classified under this HS code.

One important aspect to consider in international trade is the duty rate associated with a particular HS code. In the case of HS Code 78041900, the bound or Most Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate is 3%. The MFN duty rate is the default tariff rate that applies to imports from all trading partners unless a specific preferential tariff rate is applicable.

Special tariff preference programs can provide exemptions or reduced tariff rates for certain goods. HS Code 78041900 is eligible for various special tariff preference programs. Some of the countries that offer preferential treatment for imports under this HS code include:

These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by providing favorable conditions for certain goods. Importers and exporters should take advantage of these programs to benefit from reduced or eliminated tariffs.

When importing goods under HS Code 78041900 to the United States, it is important to consider the specific regulations and requirements of the importing state. In the case of HS Code 78041900, the state of Maryland is mentioned as an importing state. Importers should ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and documentation requirements set by the state of Maryland.

Exporting states for goods classified under HS Code 78041900 are not specified in the available data. However, it is important for exporters to be aware of the specific regulations and requirements of the destination country or countries to ensure smooth export transactions.

HS Code 78041900 plays a crucial role in international trade by providing a standardized classification for lead plates, sheets, strip, and foil with a thickness exceeding 0.2mm. Importers and exporters should familiarize themselves with the associated duty rates and special tariff preference programs to make informed decisions and optimize their international trade activities.

More on HS code 78041900
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