
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 84099999: Parts nesi, used solely or principally with compression-ignition internal-combustion piston engines of heading 8407 or 8408, nesi

The HS Code 84099999 refers to parts that are used solely or primarily with compression-ignition internal-combustion piston engines of heading 8407 or 8408. These parts are not elsewhere specified or included (nesi). It is important to understand the HS code system as it is used globally to classify and categorize various products for trade and statistical purposes.

When a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up its market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This is known as the "bound / MFN duty rate." The bound duty rate for HS Code 84099999 is free, meaning there are no additional tariffs or duties imposed on imports of these parts.

The quantity unit for HS Code 84099999 is not available (NA). This means that the data regarding the quantity or measurement of these parts is not specified or provided.

There are special tariff preference programs in place for HS Code 84099999. These programs offer preferential treatment or exemptions from duties for imports of these parts. The countries that provide such special tariff preferences for HS Code 84099999 include:

HS Code 84099999 is imported by various states in the United States. The states that import these parts include:

On the other hand, the states that export HS Code 84099999 from the United States are:

Understanding the HS Code 84099999 and its associated data is crucial for importers, exporters, and policymakers involved in international trade. It allows for accurate classification, tracking, and analysis of trade flows and helps in implementing tariff preferences and trade agreements effectively.

More on HS code 84099999
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