
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 84312000: Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading 8427

When it comes to international trade, it is essential to have a standardized system for classifying products. The Harmonized System (HS) Code is a globally recognized classification system that allows countries to categorize products for customs and statistical purposes.

One such HS code is 84312000, which refers to parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading 8427. This code helps facilitate the import and export of specific products, ensuring that customs authorities can correctly identify and classify them.

Import duties play a significant role in international trade. They are taxes imposed on imported goods to protect domestic industries and generate revenue for the government. The bound or Most Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 84312000 is free. This means that no duty is imposed when importing these parts, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to expand their machinery.

In the context of trade agreements, special tariff preference programs are often established between countries. These programs aim to promote trade by reducing or eliminating import duties for certain products. While the data provided does not mention any specific preferential programs for HS Code 84312000, it is worth noting that businesses should always stay informed about such programs to take advantage of any cost-saving opportunities.

The quantity unit for HS Code 84312000 is "no units collected (X)," indicating that the data did not include information on the quantity of parts imported or exported. However, this code's importance lies in its ability to classify and track these parts, ensuring accurate data collection and analysis.

Now, let's take a closer look at the trade patterns for HS Code 84312000. The data provided includes information on the importing and exporting US states for these parts:

Importing US States:

Exporting US States:

It is interesting to note that certain states appear in both the importing and exporting lists. This suggests that there might be intra-state trade for HS Code 84312000 parts. These states include Georgia, Kansas, Iowa, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. The presence of these states in both lists indicates a demand for these parts within their borders, as well as their ability to produce and export them.

While the data provided does not offer specific details about the nature of these parts or the reasons behind their import and export, it highlights the importance of HS Code 84312000 in tracking and regulating trade in parts suitable for use with machinery.

HS Code 84312000 plays a crucial role in international trade by classifying parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading 8427. The data provided showcases the importing and exporting US states for these parts, shedding light on the trade patterns and potential intra-state trade. As businesses continue to rely on machinery and its components, understanding and correctly classifying HS Code 84312000 becomes essential for smooth and efficient trade operations.

More on HS code 84312000
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