
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 84439950: Parts and Accessories of Other Printing, Copying or Facsimile Machines

The HS Code 84439950 refers to parts and accessories of other printing, copying, or facsimile machines that are not elsewhere specified. This code is used for classifying and categorizing these specific products for international trade purposes. Understanding this HS code is essential for businesses involved in the import and export of these products.

Product Description

The product description for HS Code 84439950 is "Parts and accessories of other printing, copying, or facsimile machines; nesoi." This means that the code covers a wide range of components and accessories used in various types of printing, copying, and facsimile machines that are not classified under other specific HS codes.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound or most favored nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 84439950 is free. This means that countries must lower trade barriers or open up their markets for the same goods or services from all their trading partners. As a result, there are no additional tariffs or taxes imposed on the import or export of these parts and accessories.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 84439950 is "no units collected (X)." This indicates that the code does not specify a particular unit of measurement for these parts and accessories. The quantity unit is not applicable or relevant for this HS code.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

There are no specific special tariff preference programs associated with HS Code 84439950 mentioned in the provided data. However, it is important to note that different countries may have their own special tariff programs or trade agreements that could affect the import or export of these products. Businesses should consult the relevant customs authorities or trade organizations for more information on any applicable special tariff preference programs.

Importing US States

The provided data states that the listed US states are involved in importing products classified under HS Code 84439950. These states include California, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Virginia. It is worth noting that California, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Tennessee appear twice in the list, which could indicate a higher volume of imports for these states.

Exporting US States

The data also mentions the US states involved in exporting products classified under HS Code 84439950. These states are Colorado, New Hampshire, and Virginia. Similar to the importing states, New Hampshire and Virginia appear twice in the list, suggesting a higher volume of exports from these states.

HS Code 84439950 covers parts and accessories of other printing, copying, or facsimile machines that are not classified under specific HS codes. The code is associated with a free bound or most favored nation duty rate, meaning there are no additional tariffs or taxes imposed on the import or export of these products. Businesses involved in the import or export of these parts and accessories should be aware of any special tariff preference programs applicable in their country or trading partners. Furthermore, the provided data highlights the US states involved in importing and exporting products under this HS code, indicating potential market demand and trade activities in these regions.

More on HS code 84439950
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