
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 84661001: Tool Holders and Self-opening Dieheads

Tool holders and self-opening dieheads are essential components used in various machines falling under headings 8456 to 8465. The HS Code 84661001 specifically refers to tool holders and self-opening dieheads that are not elsewhere specified or included (nesoi). This code helps in accurate classification and identification of these products in international trade.

When it comes to international trade, countries often impose tariffs or duties on imported goods. The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 84661001 is 3.9%. This means that every time a country reduces trade barriers or opens up its market, it must do so for all its trading partners, ensuring equal treatment for the same goods or services.

The quantity unit for HS Code 84661001 is stated as "no units collected (X)." This indicates that the quantity of tool holders and self-opening dieheads is not measured in specific units, but rather relies on other factors such as weight, volume, or other relevant measurements.

Fortunately, there are special tariff preference programs available for products classified under HS Code 84661001. These programs provide certain countries with preferential treatment, often in the form of duty-free or reduced duty rates. The following countries have special tariff preference programs for this HS Code:

These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by offering favorable conditions for the importation of specific goods.

In terms of importing and exporting, the United States is a major player in the global trade of tool holders and self-opening dieheads. The importing and exporting of these products involve various U.S. states. The specific states involved may depend on factors such as manufacturing centers, distribution hubs, or trade agreements. However, the HS Code 84661001 ensures that these products are correctly identified and classified during the import and export process.

HS Code 84661001 covers tool holders and self-opening dieheads used primarily with machines falling under headings 8456 to 8465. This code plays a crucial role in international trade by facilitating accurate classification, determining duty rates, and enabling the implementation of special tariff preference programs. Understanding and correctly applying this HS Code is essential for businesses and governments involved in the import and export of these products.

More on HS code 84661001
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