
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 84669150: Parts and Accessories for Machines of Heading 8464

The HS Code 84669150 refers to parts and accessories nesi (not elsewhere specified or included) for machines falling under heading 8464. This code is used for the classification and identification of these specific products in international trade.

The products covered under this HS code are essential components and attachments that are used in machines falling under heading 8464. Heading 8464 includes machines for working metal or cermets, not elsewhere specified or included. These machines are widely used in various industries such as manufacturing, construction, and metalworking.

It is important to note that the HS code is a standardized system used globally to classify and categorize products for customs and trade purposes. It helps in identifying the specific product and determining the import or export duties applicable to it.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound duty rate for products classified under HS Code 84669150 is free. This means that there are no import duties applicable to these products when traded between countries. The concept of bound duty rate ensures that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up its market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This promotes fairness and equal treatment in international trade.

By having a free bound duty rate for HS Code 84669150, countries can encourage the smooth flow of these parts and accessories for machines of heading 8464 across borders without imposing additional financial burdens on importers or exporters.

Quantity Unit

According to the available data, no units have been collected for HS Code 84669150 (X). This could indicate that the data on the quantity of imports or exports for this specific HS code is not available or has not been collected.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Special tariff preference programs are trade agreements or initiatives that provide certain benefits or preferences to specific products or countries. These programs aim to promote trade, economic development, and cooperation between participating countries.

While the available data does not specify any particular special tariff preference programs for HS Code 84669150, it is worth noting that such programs may exist for this code or related products. Countries often negotiate preferential trade agreements or regional trade blocs to reduce or eliminate import duties on specific products, fostering trade growth and regional integration.

Importing US States and Exporting US States

The following US states are involved in the import and export of products classified under HS Code 84669150:

Delaware is one of the states engaged in the importation and exportation of parts and accessories for machines falling under heading 8464. As a major center for manufacturing and industrial activities, Delaware plays a significant role in the trade of these products.

It is important for businesses and traders involved in the import or export of products under HS Code 84669150 to stay updated with the regulations, trade agreements, and tariffs applicable to their specific jurisdictions. Compliance with customs requirements and adherence to trade policies are crucial for smooth and efficient international trade operations.

More on HS code 84669150
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