
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 87089150: Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, radiators

The HS Code 87089150 refers to parts and accessories of motor vehicles of 8701, other than those of heading 8702-8705, specifically radiators. This code is used for classification and identification purposes in international trade. It helps in determining the import and export duties, regulations, and restrictions associated with a particular product.

The product description for HS Code 87089150 is "Parts and accessories of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, radiators." This means that it includes various components and add-ons that are used in motor vehicles, excluding those specified in headings 8702-8705. The specific item covered under this code is radiators, which play a crucial role in cooling the engine of a vehicle.

The bound or Most Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 87089150 is 2.5%. The MFN principle ensures that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This rate applies to all countries unless special tariff preference programs are in place.

The quantity unit for HS Code 87089150 is "number" (NO), indicating that the quantity of the product is measured in the number of items or units.

There are several special tariff preference programs available for HS Code 87089150. These programs provide preferential treatment in terms of duty-free or reduced-duty access to certain countries. The programs applicable to this HS code include:

When importing HS Code 87089150 into the United States, the following states are involved in the trade:

On the other hand, the following states in the United States are involved in exporting HS Code 87089150:

HS Code 87089150 represents parts and accessories of motor vehicles, specifically radiators. It is important to understand the HS code and its associated details when engaging in international trade, as it helps in determining the applicable duties, regulations, and preferences for a particular product. The special tariff preference programs provide certain countries with duty-free or reduced-duty access, promoting trade relations and economic cooperation. The importing and exporting states mentioned in the article play a significant role in the trade of HS Code 87089150.

More on HS code 87089150
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