
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 90309084: Parts and Accessories for Instruments and Apparatus for Measuring or Checking Semiconductor Wafers or Devices, NESOI

The HS Code 90309084 refers to parts and accessories used in instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or devices. This code is applicable for products that are not elsewhere specified or included (NESOI) in other HS codes related to semiconductor measurement equipment.

When it comes to international trade, the HS code is essential for classifying products and determining the customs duty rates. The HS code 90309084 helps customs authorities and traders worldwide to identify and categorize these specific parts and accessories accurately.

The product description for this HS code includes various parts and accessories that are used in instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or devices. These parts and accessories are crucial components that ensure the proper functioning and accuracy of the measurement equipment.

It is important to note that the bound or Most Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate for this HS code is free. This means that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must provide the same treatment for the goods or services from all its trading partners. In this case, the duty rate for the parts and accessories covered under HS code 90309084 is zero.

The quantity unit for this HS code is "no units collected (X)." This indicates that there is no specific unit of measurement for these parts and accessories. The quantity may vary depending on the specific product and its application.

There are also special tariff preference programs associated with HS code 90309084. These programs provide additional benefits and preferential treatment for certain countries. The following countries and programs offer duty-free treatment for products classified under this HS code:

When importing products classified under HS code 90309084 into the United States, the data indicates that the Virgin Islands, Rhode Island, Idaho, and Oregon are the primary importing states.

On the other hand, the primary exporting states for these products are the Virgin Islands, Pennsylvania, Montana, Arizona, District of Columbia, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Nevada, and Idaho.

HS code 90309084 represents parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus used in measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or devices. These parts and accessories play a crucial role in ensuring accurate and reliable measurements in the semiconductor industry. The duty rate for this HS code is free, and there are special tariff preference programs available for certain countries. Understanding and correctly classifying products under the HS code 90309084 is essential for international trade and customs purposes.

More on HS code 90309084
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