
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 90318080: Measuring and Checking Instruments, Appliances, and Machines, nesoi

The HS Code 90318080 refers to a specific category of products – measuring and checking instruments, appliances, and machines that are not elsewhere specified. These instruments are used for various purposes, including measuring, testing, and inspecting different parameters in a wide range of industries.

When it comes to international trade, the HS code plays a crucial role in identifying and categorizing goods. It helps ensure consistency and uniformity in the classification of products and determines the applicable customs duties and trade policies.

According to the data provided, the bound/MFN duty rate for products falling under HS Code 90318080 is 1.7%. This rate applies whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, ensuring that the same goods or services receive equal treatment from all trading partners.

It is important to note that the quantity unit for HS Code 90318080 is "no units collected (X)." This indicates that the data does not provide specific information on the quantity or measurement unit for this particular product category.

There are also special tariff preference programs in place for products classified under HS Code 90318080. These programs offer preferential treatment, including duty-free access, to certain countries or regions. The following programs are applicable:

These special tariff preference programs provide opportunities for certain countries to trade these products with reduced or eliminated customs duties, promoting international economic cooperation and development.

Based on the data, the United States imports HS Code 90318080 products from the Virgin Islands, while the exporting US states are the Virgin Islands, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Montana, Arizona, District of Columbia, Connecticut, Kansas, and Minnesota. These states engage in trade activities related to measuring and checking instruments, appliances, and machines, fostering economic growth and technological advancements.

Overall, HS Code 90318080 encompasses a wide range of measuring and checking instruments, appliances, and machines that are indispensable in various industries. Understanding the HS code and its associated trade policies is essential for importers, exporters, and policymakers to facilitate smooth international trade and promote economic cooperation.

More on HS code 90318080
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