
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 91021240: Straps, bands or bracelets for wrist watches

The HS Code 91021240 refers to straps, bands, or bracelets that are specifically designed for wrist watches. These accessories are classified under subheading 9102.12.80 and can be entered with wrist watches of the same subheading. This HS code helps in identifying and categorizing these products for international trade purposes.

When it comes to trade barriers and market access, countries often have different duty rates for various goods and services. However, in the case of HS Code 91021240, the bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate is free. This means that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up its market, it must do so for all its trading partners regarding these straps, bands, or bracelets.

The quantity unit for HS Code 91021240 is the number (NO), indicating that the product is measured in units rather than weight or volume.

There are several special tariff preference programs that offer duty-free treatment for imports of straps, bands, or bracelets under HS Code 91021240. These programs include:

When importing straps, bands, or bracelets under HS Code 91021240 into the United States, the following states are particularly active:

These states are known for their demand and trade activities related to this particular product. It is important for businesses and traders to consider these regions when planning their import strategy.

On the other hand, the data does not provide information on specific exporting US states for HS Code 91021240. Further research and analysis may be required to determine the prominent exporting regions for these products.

More on HS code 91021240
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