
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99020407: Reaction products of phosphorus trichloride with 1,1 -biphenyl and 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol

The HS Code 99020407 refers to the reaction products of phosphorus trichloride with 1,1 -biphenyl and 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol. This product is classified under CAS No. 119345 01 6 and falls under the category of 3812.30.60 in the Harmonized System (HS) of tariff codes.

When importing or exporting goods, it is important to have a clear understanding of the HS codes assigned to the products. HS codes are standardized codes used to classify products for customs and trade purposes. These codes are essential for accurate identification and classification of goods during international trade.

The product description indicates that the reaction products are formed by combining phosphorus trichloride with 1,1 -biphenyl and 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol. These chemicals are commonly used in various industrial processes and applications.

One of the key aspects to consider when dealing with HS codes is the bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate. The MFN duty rate is the rate applied to a product when it is imported or exported between countries that have not entered into any preferential trade agreements. It is the standard duty rate that applies to all trading partners equally.

In this case, there is no specific information available about the bound or MFN duty rate for HS Code 99020407. However, it is important to note that duty rates can vary depending on the country and specific trade agreements in place. It is recommended to consult the customs authorities or trade regulations of the respective countries involved in the import or export of this product to determine the applicable duty rates.

Additionally, the quantity unit for this product is not available (NA). This means that the specific unit of measurement for the quantity of the product is not specified in the provided data. The quantity unit is crucial for determining the volume or weight of the product during trade transactions.

Special tariff preference programs may also apply to HS Code 99020407. These programs are designed to provide certain benefits or preferences to specific products, countries, or trade agreements. Examples of such programs include free trade agreements, preferential trade arrangements, or tariff exemptions for certain industries or countries.

It is important for importers and exporters to be aware of any special tariff preference programs that may be applicable to their products. These programs can significantly impact the cost and competitiveness of the traded goods. Again, it is recommended to consult the customs authorities or trade regulations of the respective countries for information on any special tariff preference programs applicable to HS Code 99020407.

HS Code 99020407 represents the reaction products of phosphorus trichloride with 1,1 -biphenyl and 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol. This HS code is used for the classification and identification of this specific product for customs and trade purposes. Understanding the HS code, bound/MFN duty rates, quantity units, and special tariff preference programs is essential for smooth and compliant import or export of this product.

More on HS code 99020407
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