
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99021084: Clothianidin (CAS No. 210880-92-5) in Subheading 2934.10.90

The HS Code 99021084 refers to the product Clothianidin, which falls under the subheading 2934.10.90. Clothianidin is an insecticide and belongs to the neonicotinoid class of chemicals. Its chemical formula is C6H8ClN5O2S.

Clothianidin is widely used in agriculture to control pests and protect crops. It is particularly effective against sucking insects, such as aphids and whiteflies, which can cause significant damage to crops. Clothianidin works by interfering with the nervous system of insects, leading to paralysis and eventually death.

The CAS number for Clothianidin is 210880-92-5. CAS stands for Chemical Abstracts Service, which is a division of the American Chemical Society. The CAS number is a unique identifier for specific chemical substances and helps in the accurate identification of the product.

Under the HS Code 99021084, Clothianidin is subject to specific import and export regulations. The Bound (B) duty rate for this product is free. This means that there are no tariffs or duties imposed on Clothianidin when it is imported or exported. The MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate is also free, indicating that the same trade barriers and market access are provided to all trading partners of a country.

It is important to note that the quantity unit for Clothianidin under the HS Code 99021084 is not available (NA). This means that the specific unit of measurement for the product is not specified in the data provided.

There are also special tariff preference programs that may apply to the import and export of Clothianidin. These programs provide preferential treatment to certain countries or regions, allowing reduced or zero tariffs for eligible products. However, the specific programs relevant to Clothianidin under the given HS Code are not mentioned in the provided data.

When it comes to importing Clothianidin into the United States, different states have different regulations and requirements. Exporting Clothianidin from the United States also involves adhering to specific rules and procedures. It is essential for importers and exporters to familiarize themselves with the regulations of both the importing and exporting states to ensure compliance and smooth trade operations.

the HS Code 99021084 corresponds to Clothianidin, an insecticide used in agriculture. It is classified under the subheading 2934.10.90 and has a CAS number of 210880-92-5. Clothianidin is effective against sucking insects and is subject to specific import and export regulations. The Bound and MFN duty rates for this product are free, indicating no tariffs or duties. Importing and exporting Clothianidin involves complying with state-specific regulations in the United States.

More on HS code 99021084
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