
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99022246: Other Footwear with Uppers of Leather or Composition Leather

HS Code 99022246 refers to other footwear with uppers made of leather or composition leather, specifically designed for persons other than men or women. This category of footwear is classified under subheading 6405.10.00.

When importing or exporting goods, it is essential to understand the corresponding HS code to ensure accurate classification and compliance with international trade regulations. HS codes are standardized codes used globally to classify products for customs purposes. They help in streamlining trade, facilitating accurate data collection, and enforcing trade policies.

The HS code 99022246 specifically covers footwear with uppers made of leather or composition leather. It excludes footwear designed for men or women, which are classified under different HS codes.

One important aspect to consider in international trade is the bound or Most Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate. The bound duty rate for HS code 99022246 is 9.5%. The MFN duty rate is the rate applied to imports when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market. It is important to note that once a country reduces tariffs for a particular product, it must do so for all its trading partners.

Unfortunately, the specific quantity unit for HS code 99022246 is not available (NA). However, the absence of a quantity unit does not impact the classification or the duty rate. It is advisable to consult with customs authorities or trade experts to determine the appropriate quantity unit for specific import or export transactions.

Additionally, there may be special tariff preference programs that apply to HS code 99022246. These programs provide certain benefits or preferential treatment to eligible importers or exporters. However, specific details regarding these programs are not provided in the available data.

When importing goods into the United States, it is important to consider the specific regulations and requirements of individual states. Different states may have additional regulations or restrictions on the importation of certain products. Similarly, when exporting goods from the United States, it is crucial to be aware of the requirements and regulations of the destination country.

HS code 99022246 pertains to other footwear with uppers made of leather or composition leather, designed for persons other than men or women. It is essential to accurately classify products using the appropriate HS code to ensure compliance with international trade regulations. The bound duty rate for this HS code is 9.5%, and it is important to consider any special tariff preference programs or individual state regulations when importing or exporting goods.

More on HS code 99022246
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