
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99022456: A Comprehensive Guide

HS Code 99022456 refers to a specific product and its associated classification under the Harmonized System (HS). In this article, we will delve into the details of this HS code, providing a comprehensive guide to its product description, application, duty rates, and more.

Product Description

The product associated with HS Code 99022456 is Cyazofamid, which has a unique Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number of 120116-88-3. Cyazofamid is a pesticide and fungicide used in various agricultural applications. It is known for its effectiveness in controlling diseases caused by oomycete fungi, such as downy mildew and late blight.

Additionally, the HS code also encompasses application adjuvants, which are substances used in combination with Cyazofamid to enhance its efficacy. These application adjuvants are classified under subheading 3808.92.15 of the HS system.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

When it comes to trade barriers and market access, countries often impose duties on imported goods. However, the bound / most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for products classified under HS Code 99022456 is set at "Free." This means that countries are not required to impose any import duties on Cyazofamid and its associated application adjuvants.

It is important to note that the MFN duty rate applies universally to all trading partners of a country. This principle ensures equal treatment for goods and services across different nations, promoting fair trade practices and preventing discrimination.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for the product classified under HS Code 99022456 is not available (NA). This indicates that the specific unit of measurement for Cyazofamid and its application adjuvants may vary depending on the packaging, concentration, or other factors specific to each trade transaction.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

HS Code 99022456 may also be eligible for various special tariff preference programs implemented by different countries. These programs offer preferential treatment to certain products based on specific criteria, such as origin, purpose, or trade agreements.

Importing US states and exporting US states can benefit from these special tariff preference programs, which aim to promote local industries, stimulate economic growth, and foster international trade relationships. It is essential for importers and exporters to research and understand the specific programs available in their respective regions to leverage potential benefits.

HS Code 99022456 encompasses the product Cyazofamid and its application adjuvants. This code facilitates the classification, regulation, and trade of these substances globally. Understanding the product description, duty rates, quantity unit, and available tariff preference programs associated with this HS code is crucial for businesses involved in the import and export of Cyazofamid and its application adjuvants.

More on HS code 99022456
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