
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99022541: Myclobutanil and Adjuvants Mixture

The HS Code 99022541 refers to the product Myclobutanil (a-Butyl-a-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H- 1,2,4-triazole-1-propanenitrile) and adjuvants mixture. This mixture is classified under the import category 3808.92.15 and is used in various industries.

Myclobutanil is a widely used fungicide that belongs to the class of triazole chemicals. It is primarily used in agriculture to control fungal diseases in crops and plants. The adjuvants in the mixture enhance the effectiveness and stability of Myclobutanil, making it more efficient in combating fungal infections.

When importing or exporting goods classified under HS Code 99022541, it is important to consider the bound/MFN duty rate. The bound duty rate refers to the maximum customs duty that a country can impose on a particular product. On the other hand, the MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate is the tariff applied to imports from most trading partners.

One of the key principles of international trade is the notion of reciprocity. This means that when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. Therefore, the MFN duty rate for Myclobutanil and adjuvants mixture would be applied uniformly to all importing countries.

The specific quantity unit for the product is not available (NA). However, it is typically measured and traded in kilograms (kg) or liters (L), depending on the form in which it is supplied.

There are no specific special tariff preference programs mentioned for HS Code 99022541. However, it is always important to research and stay updated on any trade agreements or preferential trade programs that may affect the import or export of the product.

Importing and exporting Myclobutanil and adjuvants mixture under HS Code 99022541 can involve various US states. The specific states involved in importing and exporting can vary depending on the trade relationships and distribution networks. Some states that are known for their agricultural production and trade, such as California, Florida, and Iowa, may have higher import and export volumes for such products.

HS Code 99022541 represents Myclobutanil and adjuvants mixture, which is a fungicide used in agriculture. Understanding the bound/MFN duty rates, quantity units, and any special tariff preference programs is crucial for importers and exporters. Keeping up with the regulations and trade agreements related to this HS Code can help facilitate smooth international trade of Myclobutanil and adjuvants mixture.

More on HS code 99022541
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