
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99023290

The HS Code 99023290 refers to the product Diiodomethyl-p-tolylsulfone, which is identified by the CAS No. 20018-09-1. This product is included in subheading 2930.90.10 of the Harmonized System (HS) classification.

The HS Code is an internationally recognized system for classifying and categorizing traded goods. It is used by customs authorities and international organizations to facilitate the collection and analysis of trade statistics. Each HS Code corresponds to a specific product or group of products, allowing for easier identification and regulation of goods during international trade.

Diiodomethyl-p-tolylsulfone is a chemical compound that is commonly used in various industries. It has a wide range of applications, including as an intermediate in the production of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and dyes. The compound is known for its unique properties and versatility, making it a valuable component in many manufacturing processes.

When importing or exporting goods classified under HS Code 99023290, it is important to consider the applicable duty rates. The bound or MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for this product is free. This means that no duty is imposed on the import or export of Diiodomethyl-p-tolylsulfone, regardless of the country of origin or destination. This favorable duty rate encourages international trade and promotes the accessibility of this product in global markets.

Quantity unit information for HS Code 99023290 is not available (NA). The absence of a specific quantity unit indicates that the product may be traded in various forms or quantities, depending on the specific requirements of the buyer and seller.

In addition to the standard duty rates, there may be special tariff preference programs applicable to the import or export of Diiodomethyl-p-tolylsulfone. These programs are designed to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by providing preferential treatment to certain goods. It is important for importers and exporters to be aware of these programs and take advantage of any benefits they may offer.

When importing Diiodomethyl-p-tolylsulfone into the United States, the specific states involved in the import process may vary. Similarly, when exporting this product from the United States, the specific states involved in the export process may also vary. The choice of importing or exporting states depends on various factors, including the location of the buyer or seller, transportation logistics, and trade agreements between countries.

HS Code 99023290 represents the product Diiodomethyl-p-tolylsulfone, which is an important chemical compound used in various industries. The bound or MFN duty rate for this product is free, making it a favorable choice for international trade. Importers and exporters should also consider special tariff preference programs that may apply to this product. The specific states involved in the import or export process may vary depending on individual circumstances. Understanding and complying with the regulations and requirements associated with HS Code 99023290 is essential for smooth and successful international trade.

More on HS code 99023290
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