
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

The HS Code 99024081: Product Description and Special Tariff Preference Programs

The HS Code 99024081 is a unique code used to classify a specific product for international trade purposes. This code provides information about the product's description, origin, and any special tariff preference programs it may be eligible for. In this article, we will explore the details of HS Code 99024081 and its associated data.

Product Description

The product associated with HS Code 99024081 is identified by the CAS number 101-54-2. This CAS number falls under the subheading 2921.51.50. The subheading further categorizes the product based on its chemical composition or function. In this case, the specific details of the product can be found within subheading 2921.51.50.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The Bound / MFN duty rate for HS Code 99024081 is 5.4%. The MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate is the rate that applies to all countries, regardless of any special trade agreements. This means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. Therefore, any country importing or exporting a product under HS Code 99024081 would be subject to a 5.4% duty rate.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for the product under HS Code 99024081 is not available (NA). This means that the specific unit of measurement for the product is not specified or relevant in this context. When importing or exporting products, it is important to consider the quantity unit to accurately determine the volume or weight of the goods being traded. However, in the case of HS Code 99024081, the quantity unit is not provided.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Special tariff preference programs are trade agreements or arrangements that provide certain benefits or advantages to specific products or trading partners. These programs aim to promote trade, reduce trade barriers, and foster economic cooperation between countries.

Unfortunately, the data provided does not mention any specific special tariff preference programs associated with HS Code 99024081. However, it is important to note that special tariff preference programs can vary from country to country and may change over time. It is advisable to consult the relevant authorities or trade organizations to determine if any special tariff preference programs apply to the product under HS Code 99024081.

Importing and Exporting US States

While the data provided does not directly mention the importing and exporting US states for HS Code 99024081, it is crucial to consider the trade dynamics between states within the United States. Different states may have varying levels of imports and exports for specific products, including those classified under HS Code 99024081.

Understanding the importing and exporting US states can provide insights into the domestic trade patterns and economic relationships within the country. It can also help identify potential market opportunities or areas for growth in specific states. To obtain comprehensive information on the importing and exporting US states for HS Code 99024081, it is recommended to consult official trade statistics or databases provided by the relevant US government agencies.

HS Code 99024081 represents a specific product identified by the CAS number 101-54-2. It falls under the subheading 2921.51.50, which further classifies the product based on its chemical composition. The Bound / MFN duty rate for this HS Code is 5.4%, applicable to all countries. The quantity unit for the product is not available (NA). While no specific special tariff preference programs are mentioned, it is important to stay updated on any changes or relevant programs that may apply. Additionally, understanding the importing and exporting US states can provide valuable insights into the domestic trade landscape.

More on HS code 99024081
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