
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99041822: Low Fat Chocolate and Chocolate Crumb

HS Code 99041822 refers to low fat chocolate and chocolate crumb products. These products fall under the category of food preparations containing cocoa, classified under subheadings 1806.20.36, 1806.20.38, 1806.20.87, and other relevant subheadings.

When importing these products, it is important to be aware of the specific HS code to ensure proper classification and adherence to customs regulations. The HS code acts as a standardized system for the classification of goods in international trade, facilitating the identification and tracking of products.

Product Description

The product description for HS Code 99041822 includes low fat chocolate and chocolate crumb. These products are typically used in the production of various confectionery items, such as chocolates, cookies, cakes, and ice cream. The low fat content caters to health-conscious consumers who still want to enjoy the indulgence of chocolate.

These chocolate and chocolate crumb products are typically imported in bulk quantities, with the unit of measurement being kilograms (KG). The specific quantity may vary depending on the needs of the importer and the availability of the product in the exporting country.

Value Safeguard Period

Products classified under HS Code 99041822 are subject to a value safeguard period. This means that the import of these products may be subject to certain restrictions or additional duties to protect domestic industries or maintain a fair trade balance. The value safeguard period for these products is typically set at a range of $0.60-$0.799 per kilogram.

It is important for importers to be aware of any additional duties or restrictions imposed during the value safeguard period to ensure compliance with customs regulations and avoid any potential penalties or delays in the import process.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

The bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for HS Code 99041822 is set at 10.7 cents per kilogram. This duty rate applies every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market. It ensures that the same goods or services from all trading partners receive equal treatment, promoting fair and non-discriminatory trade practices.

Importers should factor in the bound / MFN duty rate when calculating the overall cost of importing low fat chocolate and chocolate crumb products. This duty rate contributes to the revenue of the importing country and may vary depending on the specific trade agreements or tariff preferences in place.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

HS Code 99041822 may also be eligible for special tariff preference programs. These programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by providing preferential treatment to certain products or exporters. Importers should explore the availability of such programs to potentially benefit from reduced duties or other trade incentives.

Importing and Exporting US States

Low fat chocolate and chocolate crumb products classified under HS Code 99041822 can be imported into various states within the United States. The specific importing states may vary depending on the demand and distribution networks of the products.

Similarly, these products can be exported from different US states to international markets. The exporting US states may vary depending on the presence of chocolate manufacturers, exporters, or trading companies that deal with these specific products.

Overall, HS Code 99041822 encompasses low fat chocolate and chocolate crumb products, which are widely used in the confectionery industry. Importers should adhere to the specific HS code and be aware of the value safeguard period, bound / MFN duty rate, and any special tariff preference programs to ensure smooth and compliant trade operations.

More on HS code 99041822
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