
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99120436: MA Goods in Subheading 0403.90.95 Over Note 7 TRQ

The HS Code 99120436 refers to a specific category of goods in subheading 0403.90.95, which falls under the Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) system. TRQ is a trade policy tool used by countries to control the importation of certain goods. In this article, we will explore the details of this HS Code and its implications for international trade.

When looking at the HS Code 99120436, it is important to understand the product description. Unfortunately, the data does not provide specific information about the goods in question. However, we can assume that they belong to the category covered by subheading 0403.90.95.

Subheading 0403.90.95 refers to certain dairy products, such as cheese and curd, which are not elsewhere specified or included. This information gives us a general idea of the nature of the goods covered by the HS Code 99120436.

One key factor to consider when dealing with international trade is the bound and most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate. The MFN duty rate is the rate applied to imports from all trading partners, while the bound duty rate represents the maximum rate that a country can legally apply. It is important to note that a country cannot discriminate against its trading partners by applying higher duty rates.

In the case of the HS Code 99120436, the bound/MFN duty rate is not mentioned in the provided data. However, we can assume that it would follow the general principles of trade agreements and be applied equally to all countries.

Another aspect to consider is the quantity unit for the goods covered by the HS Code 99120436. Unfortunately, the data states that the quantity unit is not available (NA). This lack of information makes it difficult to determine the specific measurement or unit used for this particular category of goods.

Furthermore, the data mentions a special tariff preference program for the HS Code 99120436. The program specifies a rate of 75.8 cents per kilogram (kg) plus an additional 12.4% for imports from Morocco (MA). This indicates that if the goods covered by this HS Code are imported from Morocco, they will be subject to this specific tariff rate.

It is worth noting that the provided data does not mention the importing and exporting US states for the HS Code 99120436. This information could be crucial in understanding the trade flow and market dynamics related to this specific category of goods.

the HS Code 99120436 represents MA goods in subheading 0403.90.95 over note 7 TRQ. This category of goods likely includes certain dairy products that are not elsewhere specified or included. While specific details regarding the bound/MFN duty rate and quantity unit are not available, it is important to understand that trade barriers and market access must be applied equally to all trading partners. The data also highlights a special tariff preference program for imports from Morocco, which involves a specific rate of 75.8 cents/kg plus 12.4%. Overall, the HS Code 99120436 plays a significant role in regulating the international trade of these particular goods.

More on HS code 99120436
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