
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99120452: A Comprehensive Overview

HS Code 99120452 refers to a specific product category in international trade. In this article, we will explore the product description, duty rates, quantity unit, and special tariff preference programs associated with this HS code. Additionally, we will discuss the importing and exporting US states relevant to this product category.

Product Description

The goods classified under HS Code 99120452 fall under subheading 2106.90.09. This subheading represents a specific type of product in international trade. Unfortunately, the detailed product description is not available in the provided data. However, it is crucial to note that the product falls under the broader category of MA goods.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

In international trade, the bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate is an essential aspect to consider. This duty rate signifies the rate applied to a particular product when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market. The principle behind the MFN duty rate is that a country must apply the same duty rate to the same goods or services from all its trading partners.

Quantity Unit

Unfortunately, the provided data does not specify the quantity unit associated with HS Code 99120452. The quantity unit is typically used to measure the volume or weight of the product being traded. It could be kilograms, liters, units, or any other applicable measurement. However, in this case, the quantity unit is not available (NA).

Special Tariff Preference Programs

For HS Code 99120452, a special tariff preference program is in place, offering a specific duty rate for eligible countries. The provided data states that the special rate for this product is 63.2 cents per kilogram (MA). This rate is applicable under the Morocco Special Rate program. This program allows for reduced duty rates for goods imported from Morocco.

Importing and Exporting US States

When it comes to international trade, identifying the importing and exporting US states is crucial. However, the provided data does not specify the relevant states for HS Code 99120452. It is vital for traders and businesses to be aware of the specific states involved in the import and export of this product category to facilitate smooth transactions and compliance with regulations.

HS Code 99120452 represents a specific product category falling under subheading 2106.90.09. While the detailed product description is unavailable, it is important to consider the bound or MFN duty rate, the quantity unit, and any special tariff preference programs associated with this HS code. Additionally, identifying the importing and exporting US states relevant to this product category is crucial for successful international trade.

More on HS code 99120452
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