
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99120735: A Comprehensive Guide to MA Goods in Subheading 0712.90.40

When it comes to international trade, every product is assigned a specific code known as the Harmonized System (HS) code. These codes help in categorizing and identifying goods for customs and statistical purposes. In this article, we will delve into HS Code 99120735 and explore its significance, product description, duty rates, quantity units, and special tariff preference programs.

Product Description: MA Goods in Subheading 0712.90.40

HS Code 99120735 pertains to a specific category of goods falling under subheading 0712.90.40. This subheading refers to a particular classification within the broader category of goods. It is essential to understand the product description to determine the nature and characteristics of the goods.

Unfortunately, the available data does not provide detailed information about the specific goods covered by this HS code. However, it is important to note that these goods are subject to Note 10 TRQ, which indicates that there may be certain restrictions or quotas on their import or export.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate: Promoting Fair Trade

Trade barriers and market access play a significant role in international trade. To ensure fair and equitable trade practices, countries are obliged to apply the same treatment to all their trading partners. This principle is known as the Most Favored Nation (MFN) treatment.

HS Code 99120735, being a part of international trade, is subject to bound or MFN duty rates. These rates are applied uniformly to the same goods or services from all trading partners. It ensures that no preferential treatment is given to any specific country, promoting fair competition and equal opportunities.

Quantity Unit: Not Available (NA)

While dealing with HS Code 99120735, the data does not provide information about the quantity unit for the goods. This could imply that the quantity unit may vary depending on the specific product falling within this HS code. It is crucial for importers and exporters to determine the quantity unit for accurate trade calculations and documentation.

Special Tariff Preference Programs: Free (MA)

Special tariff preference programs are designed to encourage trade and strengthen economic ties between countries. HS Code 99120735 benefits from a special tariff preference program known as "Free (MA)." This abbreviation stands for Morocco Special Rate, indicating that there are preferential tariff rates or exemptions for goods falling under this HS code when traded between Morocco and its trading partners.

The special tariff preference program aims to boost trade between Morocco and other countries by reducing or eliminating import duties on these specific goods. Importers and exporters should take advantage of this program to enhance their competitiveness in the market and explore new business opportunities.

Importing US States and Exporting US States

HS Code 99120735 is applicable to both importing and exporting activities involving the United States. It is essential to understand the specific states involved in the import and export of goods falling under this HS code to facilitate smooth trade operations.

While the available data does not specify the importing and exporting US states for HS Code 99120735, it is crucial for traders to consult with customs authorities or refer to trade databases for accurate and up-to-date information regarding the specific states involved in trade transactions.

HS Code 99120735 corresponds to MA goods in subheading 0712.90.40. It is subject to bound or MFN duty rates, with a quantity unit not available (NA). Traders can benefit from special tariff preference programs such as "Free (MA)" to enhance trade with Morocco. Understanding the importing and exporting US states associated with this HS code is crucial for successful trade operations. By adhering to the regulations and leveraging these opportunities, businesses can navigate the complexities of international trade and expand their global reach.

More on HS code 99120735
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